Today is comedian Lil J.J.'s B-day. You know the little dude that played in the movie Beauty Shop and that basket ball movie Cross Over. He is such a cute boy. Happy B-day
The Bee is out!
Wednesday, October 31, 2007
B-Day Shout out!
Posted by
8:47 PM
How Grown Folks play Tag....
I do a lot of blogging, never though I'd get tagged, but this should be fun here goes!
The rules of the game are:
A). Link to the person that tagged you and post the rules on your blog...
B). Share 7 random and/or weird facts about yourself...
C). Tag 7 random people at the end of your post and include links to their blogs...
D). Let each person know that they've been tagged by leaving a comment on their blog.
1.I hate the smell of vanilla! lip gloss, air freshener,anything it makes me sick to my stomach!
2.I despise a dirty house. I can't chill in Filth.
3.I hate to see men walk on their tip toes, it looks like they about start dancing.
4.I love bed time, I get excited when it's time for bed. to eat out!Often, but I also like to cook.
6.I love kids.
7.I love being in love.
Check out those I tagged!
Black Girl Adventures, BnpPurpleWorld,Pocahontaz,Sydni Couture.
This all started with this site that I visit often check it out!
So Fetch
The Bee is out!
Posted by
7:15 PM
Keyshia Cole
We all know I love me some Keyshia Cole, So here you have her in the nude, gracing the cover of VIBE. And she is striking!Check out more of her on Tyra after this.
The Bee is out!
Posted by
12:01 PM
Keyshia Cole On Tyra
I love this woman. She is growing right before our eyes.She is so genuine and real.Much respect to her. Do ya thang Keyshia!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
11:57 AM
Happy Haloween
Hey Busy Bee readers! Sorry I haven't been around for a while. I usually do posts from my work computer, because I can keep up with everything and get the latest info posted quick.Well with the many web sites that I visit I some how ended up with a virus on my work computer, so I will no longer be posting in the mornings from 8-5pm.You may get a Noon post, but from now on I will do my posts after 5pm.Love ya!
Posted by
11:24 AM
Monday, October 29, 2007
Tamia graces the cover of heart & soul This is one woman who should be known as a super woman.I feel as though she is over looked as a R & B singer, but any who I have always like Tamia, her voice is the Bomb and she looks great!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
1:06 PM
Ciara Celebrates Her 22nd B-Day
Happy B-day to Ciara. I'm sure you have seen the B-day picture of her all over so I deiced to just give a short over view of her B-day plans. She is on a five city tour. She celebrated in NY last night. But she is set to go to the Bahamas, Europe and Miami. Sure sounds like fun!
Posted by
11:12 AM
Posted by
10:55 AM
While Buzzing around I came across some pictures of Trina from some recent photo shoot, this was my favorite one out of the bunch. She looks really cute here, but she doesn't look the same as back in the day, !I wonder what's going on.
The Bee is out!
Posted by
10:43 AM
Friday, October 26, 2007
T.I. Home!
I was working hard today and almost forgot about his case.Glad to see him out.Hope all goes well.
The Bee is out!
Posted by
7:04 PM
Stars Show Up To See (Some Body Help Me!)
Here are some pictures of stars who attended the premier of the movie.
Kim Fields, I haven't seen her in a while, she looks good.I like her smile.
Kim K. always dresses her ass off, I love her style.You can tell her taste is expensive.
Posted by
3:19 PM
Black Film Festival
Of course you all know the Black Film Festival started!Here are a couple of photos.
Tocarra. she looks absolutely gorgeous in that black, I love the hair to the side.
Remember Lynn Whitfeild form Thin Line Between Love and Hate? She still lookin good.
Lastly we have the O.G. Mc Lyte.
Pictures compliments Of concrete loop and splash news.
The Bee is out!
Posted by
2:56 PM
Friday Inventory!UGH!!!
Happy Friday! I'm not too excited about today because it's inventory at work UGH! So with that I wanted to say Hey! have a great Friday and I will be posting after 5pm so check me out!Smooches
Oh! I almost forgot I'm trying to come up with ideas for a contest to give my readers prizes and cash, so if you have any good ideas that you can think of leave a comment!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
7:24 AM
Thursday, October 25, 2007
Common And Kerry On TRL
We all know rumor has it the two are dating???? But anyway she looks great as usual.As for Common I have never been a fan, but he is very well put together!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
4:24 PM
Taraji P. Henson
Everybody Hates Marcus : Here's what she had to say
Talk about your character on Boston Legal.
Whitney Rome ... she is a force to be reckoned with. She's a lawyer so there comes a certain type of confidence when you know the law. You know how far to push the envelope and what to say and what not to say. Whitney definitely knows that and she uses it to her advantage.
What's it like working with a cast filled of veteran actors such as William Shatner, James Spader and Candice Bergen?
At first it was a little intimidating but they are all very warm and supportive. They welcomed me with open ears and William Shatner had the nerve to say "We need your help." I think you are doing fine without me. That just goes to show how supportive they are. For me, I love to be challenged. I don't ever want to feel comfortable because then I'm not growing. It is definitely a challenge because of the lawyer jargon. I just have a lot to learn.
As a child, did you ever desire to be a lawyer one day or were you dead set on acting?
I think I might have said it one time because it sounded good but I never, ever believed it. I never thought about law at all. I guess I was always a little artist. I was more drawn to acting and poems and English - - anything dealing with the arts. My father even tried to turn me into an athlete and I just had two left feet.
Gary Anthony Williams, who plays Clarence Bell on the show and is also the voice of Uncle Ruckus on Boondocks. What are your thoughts about the show?
I think it's very smart and clever. It's sort of in the light of 'Boston Legal.' It's teaching you through entertainment but you don't feel like you are being hit over the head with a message.
I got to be quite honest, I haven't seen the show that often but my thoughts are he's using it as a tool of education. It's almost like putting it right in our face because sometimes you don't even realize you even said it because you are just so use to saying it. When he puts it in your face like that, it makes you feel uncomfortable. He's teaching through entertainment.
Howard Homecoming is this weekend – as a graduate of Howard, what is your most memorable homecoming moment?
To be quite honest, I was a square when it came to homecoming. I was from there so it was never a big deal for me. Plus, I was an artist and I was always in the school of fine arts. We were always doing a play and we had to build the set, do the lighting scheme, we were really involved in the whole production of it all. I really didn't have time to be quite honest. Plus, I had two jobs and I was going to school full time. I will be going back to Howard this year. They are paying for me to come. This will be my first Howard Homecoming where I go to the game and partake in the festivities.
Have you retired from a career of singing after It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp?
I just finished a Marcus Miller project. He's a jazz musician who has played with the best. He also does soundtracks for movies as well. He is doing this jazz completion where he fuses jazz with spoken word and using a lot of the hot songs right now. I did a spoken word piece to 'I'm Lost Without You' by Robin Thicke.
I like her, she is another one of those that is a force to be reckoned with!Her style is unique. I see her being around for a long time.
The Bee is out!
Posted by
12:25 PM
Fufillment Funds Annual Stars 2007 Gala
This was an interesting post for me because it seems as though I learn something new every day.Reading i found out this event is done every year to honor some one in the entertainment industry for their involvement in giving back to the community or charity events. For more go to
Here you have some photos of this years attendees.Enjoy!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
11:55 AM
Mary J (Just fine Video)
Mary J. Blige- Just Fine (Music Video)
Uploaded by Maryluvsphillip
This song grew on me. You have to listen to the words and then you will feel her!(Enjoy)
The Bee is out!
Posted by
10:50 AM
ANTM Up Date!
Here's the skinny, the show was good last night.In the beginning there was a challenge and it consisted of the models making a commercial.The purpose of this was to show that they could be good spokes models.Well to make along story short Heather was the challenge winner.With that she got to do a shoot for Carol's Daughter,basically directed my Mary J. Bilge. Mary liked Heather except for the fact that she was silly and shy. Mary said she had what it took to be ANTM. So now for the drama. Ebony wanted to go home so she purposely did bad on their photo shoot, which was based on recycling.She said that modeling wasn't for her and she missed home.So here comes the deliberation and Ebony and Ambreal were the bottom two, Tyra picked Ebony to stay, but Ebony broke down and basically quit, Tyra gave her song and dace about how she hates a quitter and ended up letting Ambreal stay.
My thoughts on all of this would be, I don't get it. When they first come to the show they are all excited and full of confidence, but after episode 1. They get BROKE DOWN! that assertive confidence is gone and it's all downhill from there.You watch the show season in season out, you would think these girls would go in prepared for what's to come.But I guess you weed out the bad ones to get to AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL!
Sarah Ambreal
Posted by
9:17 AM
JD's Book Party
While looking through the pictures over at wire images, I thought to my self I wish I was there, the food looked sooooo good, they had plenty to drink and the turn out looked good.The atmosphere seemed to be laxed and chill. I would have enjoyed that.There were lots of people who came out to support. Mel B and her husband, Nick Cannon, Tasha Smith, Of course JD's boo Janet Jackson was there along with many others.Enjoy!
Posted by
9:00 AM
Power Summit Reunion
According to wire images this is day 1 of the reunion and it looks like they were having a good time.I haven't seen a lot of Xzibit lately wonder what he's doing.Life was there and new artist Tiffany Evans , Lil Mama and Sean Paul of the Young Blooodz were there for the festivities.Stay Tuned!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
8:44 AM
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
Keyshia Cole The Way It Is
Keyshia Cole lookin good in these promo shots of her show. I will be getting cable real soon so I can keep up with the Jones's. Thanks to brown sista for allowing me to snag these photos.
Posted by
10:55 AM
Lauren London
From A youngin to a grown ass woman.She emerges from LA.Beautiful with a smile that rocks the house. Born December 4Th 1984.The first time I had ever see her was in the movie ATL, she was known as NEW NEW!Since then she has made many appearances on red carpets, magazine covers, and a lavish my space page. Her works consist of This Christmas, Next Day Air which is in the making and Entourage as well as appearances on Every Body Hates Chris.This woman has made a name for her self in the industry, and I have nothing but love for her, so ladies and gentlemen with out further a due I present to you Lauren London!
Posted by
9:42 AM