Monday, December 31, 2007
Wednesday, December 26, 2007
It's My B-day
Today Is my Birthday and I've been drinking(Malibu Rum). By the grace of god I have made it to see 28 years! I have spent today all alone, but do not be sad for me, I had a ball. I slept in until about 10am.I got up went to BK and got breakfast. I got my self together and put on my clothes and headed to the mall.I walked around purchased some things and off I went to have lunch At the Mexico Restaurant.I had 2 burrito Verde's(with Green chili) chips and salsa and a Pepsi.Delicious! And now I'm home sending this to all my beautiful readers.Love Ya.Oh P.S. My Man Friend had to work, but Hopefully we will go out to dinner. Much Love
The Bee is out!
Posted by
5:47 PM
T.I. Wishes us a Merry Christimas and Happy New Year
We all know by now I love T.I, so take some time to listen to what he has to say.God Bless him and his family.
The Bee is out!
Posted by
5:38 PM
Louis Vuitton
I don't really care for Naomi Campbell, but just look at that bag for the spring Louis Vuitton Ad campaign, that sucka is the Bomb!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
5:33 PM
News on B2K
I have been looking around on the Internet, and there are video clips on you tube that some members of the former group were molested by Chris Stokes. I was not going to post this, but I would like to say if this is true it's very sad. May god have mercy on that mans soul, because what's done in the dark always comes to the light.
The Bee is out!
Posted by
5:21 PM
In recent news I have discovered that Mary has sold more that 600,000 copies of her CD the first week out. I'd like to say I contributed seeing as tough out of thousands of her fans I did cop that CD it's hot and I love the happiness and soulfulness that comes from her voice. You Go Girl!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
5:21 PM
I've Been Tagged!!!!!!
LoLo's Cube has tagged me with a tag very different from the tag I received months ago so here's my reply.I'm supposed to show a picture of my self so here goes. This was on Halloween I had my Green Lashes on at work.No down to business.......
1. My biggest accomplishment this year was quitting smoking.I have been through a lot and stress caused me to start, so now that I've gotten rid of the stress I got rid of the smoking.
2. My hair is no longer long I cut it, so that it can be healthy ofter all the color I have put in it.I bleached it a while back and it began to break off, so I currently have a bob.And it's purple.
3. I love my family that lives in Colorado.With me being so far away I really get home sick around the holidays.I have a 1year old niece who is the apple of my eye, as well as my god niece that's my road dog.
4. I have a very special man Friend.I call him my man friend because he is far from a boy. He is the love of my life and he takes very good care of me.
5. I have a turtle named Junie who is an aquatic turtle who is my firs pet.I have him in a fifty five gallon tank, that I call his mansion.
6. I love to read novels by black authors, I try to venture out but just haven't found a good author outside the black race that keeps my interest.
7. I love computers, I went to school for computer information and I currently have a Job where I used my degree some what.
And there you have it I lead a very normal boring life and thanks to LoLo I have shared a photo of my self and my 7facts HOLLA!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
11:00 AM
Thursday, December 20, 2007
Busy Bee Birthday Reminder! & Shout outs!
Just a reminder to all my loved ones that I will turn 28 on December 26Th!. If it's your Birthday I want to know! I would like to give some shout outs, to Sandy G. with at your service you are number 1, Pocahontaz I love you because you keep always keep it real stright never watered down, LoLo's cube if you are reading I will be getting to my tag this evening so come back and check it out, as for my shout out to you, your are the fashion Queen!I loved your 7 things.(Elegant):) My homie BougieBeauCoup you have been down with me since day one.(much respect) T.V. Crack i just love your bold style straight like A1 on my favorite Fillet Mignon:). And if I forgot some one please don't be up set I get down with all yaul!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
8:50 AM
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Mary J. Blige
Talk about inspiration, everyone can related to Mary J. Blige.She's been through so many ups and downs that it almost seems unreal for her to be so happy.When going through the trials and tribulations in our lives, we tend to think that it will never get better, until that higher power shows us the way. So many people have said that Mary J. is washed up.I think those people have yet to be touched by the lord, because she is a awesome woman!She has over come all things that have been a burden in her life.Mary has shared with us her pain and showed us her growth along the way.Glad to see her happy and singing about it.I just love it. The new CD is HOT! and I support any woman who can over come the things in life that may have once held them down. Do Ya thang Mary! I WON'T CHANGE MY LIFE MY LIFE'S JUST FINE!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
2:16 PM
Monday, December 17, 2007
Snoop Dog
I have always thought snoop was sexy, but this picture is not! What's up with that hair?EWWWWWW!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
2:52 PM
Jamie Foxx
Posted by
2:40 PM
I know I haven't been blogging lately, but I have been so busy. But anyway I wanted to share with everyone that I will be celebrating my birthday On DECEMBER 26TH.Yes the day after Christmas.I don't have any plans as of now but I'm sure I will be going out to eat with my man.I will try to post pictures for those of you who want to see.Love ya Holla!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
1:52 PM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
When is it to late to have a baby?
Posted by
1:19 PM
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Family Matters Update
Hey! I'm coming to you from a blessed state of mind. My grandmother is doing just fine, she is home from the hospital and in recovery!I'm am so excited, because as I told you guys I will be taking a trip to Denver in February, so I can put my boyfriend on the family chopping block(LOL).So I would like to send my thanks to all of you for your words of encouragement and all the prayers it really helped! THANK YOU!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
8:45 AM
Friday, December 7, 2007
Mary J. listening party
I can't wait for this Cd to drop! She is a great singer!And she still looks good! God Blessed her!
The Bee is out!
Posted by
11:26 AM
Thursday, December 6, 2007
Remy V.S. Kim
Well, I have not been up to blogging lately, but when I heard this I was like what! Lil Kim and Remy, Remy will kill her in a rap battle her lyrical skills are hot and KIM is not!( I made a Rhyme HAHAHAH) So I gotta know how every one else feels! Get ya comment on.
The Bee is out!
Posted by
3:05 PM
Tuesday, December 4, 2007
Family Matters
I would like to get this off my chest.My Grandmother is in the hospital in Denver Co. Now as you all know I reside in Richmond VA. It's hard for me to hear this news, seeing as though I can't be there to see her.She means the world to me and to know she's not feeling good is bothering me very much.I know I can't do anything to change the situation.So here I am left to my good faith. I pray that she will be alright.I don't deal with death or sickness very well, but I do know that what ever happens I will need to remain strong for my family and my self. So with that I turn to My blogger friends for your prayers and support!I love you Grandmother and hope you pull through this alright! I will be taking a trip to Denver In February and I really need her to be there.This is hurting my heart not knowing what will happen,but I will keep my head up!And continue to do what I know she would want, and that's live my life.In Jesus name I pray Amen.
The Bee is out!
Posted by
11:40 AM
Saturday, December 1, 2007
I was looking on concrete loop the other day when I came across pictures of NNEKA. They did a spot on her because she is a new hand bag designer.So me being a purse freak by nature I went out to her myspace site and took a look.This girl is awesome her designs are one of a kind and she already has the support of stars such as Keyshia Cole , Vivica Fox, EVE, and Bre from Next Top Model. So go check out her site support and show some love to this New designer of creative hand bags.Picture of her shown compliments Of Concrete loop.
Posted by
11:22 AM