Friday, October 19, 2007

Contest! Prizes! Alicia Keys!

I have some good news! For those of you who are Alicia Keys fans and YBF readers you will be interested to know, there's a contest going on on involving Alicia keys.she is said to be giving away prizes and a trip to hang with Alicia Keys! for more go to

The Bee is out!


Attorneymom said...

I have a question. Vocally speaking, do you think Alicia Keys is overrated???

Anonymous said...

^^^^I think her first CD was the best. I didn't buy the 2nd CD & I know that I won't be buying the new one. I think she's a pretty girl, always classy & dignified. She has a nice voice & she's definitely gifted, but I'm just not feeling it.

Lee said...

In answer to attroneymom , I dont feel as though she is overrated vocally, i think she has it in the bag! Her voice is unique and it sticks with you. She is a song bird

The Bee is out!