Wednesday, October 17, 2007

My City! How Pretty!

Denver International Airport.

I'm a little home sick. So I figured I would bring home to me and you In this post. I was born and raised in Denver, Colorado(ParkHill) I have been in Richmond since 1998.My whole family is in Denver.The city is gorgeous, so for those of you interested here are some random pictures.Enjoy!


fashion evolution said...

What a great day for me to stumble on your blog for the first time. I am also from CO (Aurora) and absolutely love seeing the pics of home!!!!

Anonymous said...

much much much better than richmond!

Don said...

I would have never imagined Denver Colorado would be this enchanted. It looks very nice.

The Don is out!


Lee said...

Don, you crack me up!

The Bee is out!

Ananda said...

denver is gorgeous. the photos make me wanna visit.