Sunday, October 14, 2007

T.I. Locked Up

First of all Happy Sunday! I Hope every one is having a blessed day.
So as you can see by the head line T.I. is locked Up. According to . The rapper was apprehended in a shopping center parking lot just before the BET Hip Hop Awards. They say that he was picking up weapons(guns) claiming that his body guards purchased them.

I was also reading concrete and according to them and their sources Ti. , Tiny( his girlfriend), and rappers by the name of Boney and Young Dro were taken into custody as well. This makes me sad. I wish T.I. and his family many blessings. But what I don't understand is how we put our self's in this type of situation. I mean I 've been in trouble before, maybe not this kind, but trouble is trouble. But only once! I learned from my "major mistakes". But you know what I won't preach. I just wish the best for him and his family. Please make better decisions in the future. You are in a good position, people look up to you.I am a die hard fan and I want to see you do great things, not end up like that. You have a great God given talent, Please, Please make better choices.I can't stress that enough!. If all of this is true or not, I DON'T KNOW, But I do know that if the artist who do this type of entertainment for a living say they longed for this, it makes them happy, it feeds the family and pays the bills, SHOULD TRY TO DO JUST THAT! Be an entertainer , business man or woman.Leave the B.S. alone. LIFE IS TO SHORT!

The Bee is out!

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